Orifice Flange Manufacturer & Supplier in India

Orifice Flange Manufacturer, Supplier & Dealer in India - Piping Projects India

Piping Projects India is a leading Orifice Flange Manufacturer & Supplier. The Orifice Flange is utilized for gauging the flow of substances in pipes. The Orifice Plate is a thin plate with a central hole sized according to the desired flow rate. These flanges find extensive use in industries such as waterworks, petrochemicals, refineries, chemical industries, and construction works, among others.

Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India

What is Orifice Flange?

As a prominent Orifice Flange Supplier in India, Orifice Flanges are unique devices used in industrial systems to measure dual pressures. They connect between isolation valves and pressure gauges or other instruments, allowing for precise liquid or gas flow measurement within a pipe. This is achieved by using an orifice plate that limits the area through which the fluid passes, resulting in a pressure difference downstream that can be analyzed.

The orifice flange is utilized to gauge the fluid flow in the pipeline. It has a flow nozzle attached to it. The orifice flange has pressure tappings, eliminating the need for separate tappings on the pipe wall. Orifice flanges are designed to be stronger than welded pipes or regular flanges to handle high-pressure applications. We are also a leading Spectacle Blind Flange Manufacturer in India.

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Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India

Orifice Flange

Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India
Orifice Flange Supplier in India
Orifice Flange Exporter in India

Orifice Flange - Specifications

  • Size: 1/2" (15 NB) to 48" (1200NB)
  • Class: 150 LBS, 300 LBS, 600 LBS, 900 LBS, 1500 LBS, 2500 LBS ASA 150#, 2.0MPa, 5.0MPa, 10.0MPa, 15.0MPa, 25.0MPa, 42.0MPa
  • Standard: ANSI B16.5, ANSI B16.47, MSS SP44, ANSI B16.36, ANSI B16.48
  • DIN: DIN2527, DIN2566, DIN2573, DIN2576, DIN2641, DIN2642, DIN2655, DIN2656, DIN2627, DIN2628, DIN2629, DIN 2631, DIN2632, DIN2633, DIN2634, DIN2635, DIN2636, DIN2637, DIN2638, DIN2673


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Orifice Flanges Materials, Grades & Specifications

Piping Projects India is an esteemed Orifice Flange Supplier in India. We are dedicated to provide with reliable, top-notch Orifice Flange in India. Here are the specifications for Orifice Flanges

Orifice Flanges Grades & Materials
Materials Grade
Stainless Steel ASTM A 182, 304H, 316, 316L, 316Ti, A 240 F 304, 304L, 310, 310S, 321, 321H, 317, 347, 347H, 904L
Duplex & Super Duplex Steel ASTM / ASME A/SA 182 F 44, F53, F45, F51, F55, F60, F61
Carbon Steel ASTM A 181 LF 2 / A516 Gr.70 A36, ASTM / ASME A/SA 105 ASTM / ASME A 350, A694 F42, F46, F52, F60, F65, F706
Alloy Steel ASTM / ASME A/SA 182 & A 387 F1, F5, F9, F11, F12, F22, F91
Copper Alloy Steel Weld Neck Flanges ASTM SB 61 , SB62 , SB151 , SB152 UNS No. C 70600 (Cu-Ni 90/10), C 71500 (Cu-Ni 70/30), UNS No. C 10100, 10200, 10300, 10800, 12000, 12200
Hastelloy Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy C22
Inconel Inconel 600, Inconel 601, Inconel 800, Inconel 675 (UNS No N0o025), Inconel 875
Nickel Alloy ASTM SB564, SB160, SB472, SB162 Nickel 200 (UNS No. N02200), Inconel 825 (UNS No. N08825), Inconel 600 (UNS No. N06600), Nickel 201 (UNS No. N02201), Monel 400 (UNS No. N04400), Monel 500 (UNS No. N05500), Inconel 800 (UNS No. N08800), Inconel 625 (UNS No. N06625), Inconel 601 (UNS No. N06601), Hastelloy C 276 (UNS No. N10276), Alloy 20 (UNS No. N08020)

Available Stock of below leading Manufacturers

High Quality Orifice Flange Types We Supply

Piping Projects India is a trusted Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India. Our Orifice Flange are available in various types and diameters for multiple uses and purpose. Some of the types are mention below.


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Orifice Flange Dimension Chart

Dimension Chart of Orifice Flange
Class 300 Orifice Flange Dimensions
Normal Pipe Size HUB
Daimeter Of
O.D. Minimum
Daimeter Of
A R O T H X Tg
1 33.4 50.8 125 36.6 81 54 6.4
48.3 73.0 155 36.6 84 70 6.4
2 60.3 92.1 165 36.6 84 84 6.4
73.0 104.8 190 36.6 87 100 6.4
3 88.9 127.0 210 36.6 87 117 9.5
4 114.3 157.2 255 36.6 90 146 12.7
6 168.3 215.9 320 36.6 98 206 12.7
8 219.1 269.9 380 39.7 110 260 12.7
10 273.0 323.8 445 46.1 116 321 12.7
12 323.8 381.0 520 49.3 129 375 12.7
14 355.6 412.8 585 52.4 141 425 12.7
16 406.4 469.9 650 55.6 144 483 12.7
18 457.0 533.4 710 58.8 157 533 12.7
20 508.0 584.2 775 62.0 160 587 12.7
24 610.0 692.2 915 68.3 167 702 12.7
Class 600 Orifice Flange Dimensions
Normal Pipe Size HUB
Daimeter Of
O.D. Minimum
Daimeter Of
R O T H X A Tg
1 50.8 125 36.6 81 54 33.5 6.4
73.0 155 36.6 84 70 48.3 6.4
2 92.1 165 36.6 84 84 60.3 6.4
104.8 190 36.6 87 100 73.0 6.4
3 127.0 210 36.6 87 117 88.9 9.5
4 157.2 275 38.1 102 152 114.3 12.7
6 215.9 355 47.7 117 222 168.3 12.7
8 269.9 420 55.6 133 273 219.1 12.7
10 323.8 510 63.5 152 343 273.0 12.7
12 381.0 560 66.7 156 400 323.8 12.7
14 412.8 605 69.9 165 432 355.6 12.7
16 469.9 685 76.2 178 495 406.4 12.7
18 533.4 745 82.6 184 546 457.2 12.7
20 584.2 815 88.9 190 610 508.0 12.7
24 692.2 940 101.6 203 718 609.6 12.7
Class 900 Orifice Flange Dimensions
Normal Pipe Size Daimeter Of
O.D. Minimum
Daimeter Of
R O T H X A Tg
1 50.8 125 36.6 81 54 33.5 6.4
73.0 155 36.6 84 70 48.3 6.4
2 92.1 165 36.6 84 84 60.3 6.4
104.8 190 36.6 87 100 73.0 6.4
3 127.0 240 38.1 102 127 88.9 9.5
4 157.2 290 44.5 114 159 114.3 12.7
6 215.9 380 55.6 140 235 168.3 12.7
8 269.9 470 63.5 162 298 219.1 12.7
10 323.8 545 69.9 184 368 273.0 12.7
12 381.0 610 79.4 200 419 323.8 12.7
14 412.8 640 85.8 213 451 355.6 12.7
16 469.9 705 88.9 216 508 406.4 12.7
18 533.4 785 101.6 229 565 457.2 12.7
20 584.2 855 108.0 248 622 508.0 12.7
24 692.2 1040 139.7 292 749 609.6 12.7

The Key for Orifice Flanges

The operator can easily remove the plate in a standard orifice flange. However, the plate can be removed for servicing or inspection without removing the entire flange in a union orifice flange. Additionally, the design of the plate varies between the two. The venturi plate design has a smoother pressure transition than the sharp-edge orifice plate design. These different designs result in varying pressure drops. We are a top Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India.

Application & Uses of Orifice Flange

As a well-known Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India, our Orifice Flanges are a widely use for various application such as:

  • Orifice Flange are extensively use in the field of construction for the purpose of fabricating structural components, bridges, edifices, and various other infrastructure undertakings.
  • Orifice Flange are essential in manufacturing processes for machinery, equipment, and industrial tools.
  • Orifice Flange are utilized within the automotive sector for the production of automobiles, encompassing both car bodies and chassis.
  • Orifice Flange constitute a fundamental material in the construction of ships and marine vessels.
  • Orifice Flange are utilized in power generation facilities, boilers, and pressurized containers to facilitate the production of energy.

Which Industry Widely Uses Orifice Flange?

  • Orifice Flange extensive use in power plants for various purposes, such as heat exchangers, steam turbines, and generator components, owing to its exceptional capacity to withstand high temperatures.
  • The Oil & Gas industry employs Orifice Flange for offshore platforms, pipelines, and storage tanks owing to its exceptional resistance against corrosion caused by severe environmental conditions.
  • The automotive industry employs Orifice Flanges for various components such as exhaust systems, mufflers, and decorative trim, owing to their exceptional resistance to corrosion and remarkable capacity to endure elevated temperatures.
  • The marine industry extensively use Orifice Flange in boat and ship construction, as well as for marine hardware, due to its exceptional resistance to corrosion caused by saltwater.
Petrochemical Industry Power Plant Chemical Industry
Filtration, Disinfection and Chemicals Oil & Gas

Leading Orifice Flange Supplier in Listed Cities

Piping Projects India is a leading Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India. We proudly supply high-quality Orifice Flange to major cities in India. We are known in the market as the trusted Orifice Flange Supplier in India for a long time.

Cities We Supply in India
Top Orifice Flange Supplier in Indian Cities
Raigad Pune Nashik Nagpur Ahmednagar Mumbai
Ahmedabad Bangalore Chennai Vadodara Ludhiana Delhi

Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India

Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India

Orifice Flange Manufacturer in India

Orifice Flange Supplier in India

Orifice Flange Supplier in India


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