Steel Pipe Weight Chart in kg, mm, PDF

Steel Pipe Weight Chart in kg, mm, PDF

Are you in search of a Steel Pipe Weight Chart? Our Steel Pipe Weight Chart in kilograms and millimeters mention below. Presented below is our comprehensive steel pipe weight chart in kilograms per meter (kg/m) for a range of sizes and wall thicknesses. It is important to note that the weights provided are estimations and are subject to variation based on the particular type of steel employed and the manufacturing techniques utilized.

Steel Pipe Weight Chart in kg, mm, PDF

Steel Pipe Weight: Why It's Important

The weight of a steel pipe is a crucial consideration in various industries. From construction to infrastructure development and manufacturing, understanding and managing the weight of steel pipes is essential for several reasons like Structural Integrity, Transportation, Installation and Load-Bearing Capacity.

The 20 feet steel pipe Weight is an important consideration for many industries. The weight of a steel pipe can vary depending on its size and thickness, but it's commonly used in construction, infrastructure, and manufacturing. A MS Pipe Weight Chart can help you determine the weight of a specific steel pipe. Using this chart, you can find the weight per foot of various steel pipe sizes and compare them to your requirements.

Check Our Steel Pipe Weight Chart In Mm, Kg, Pdf

The weight of a Steel Pipe can vary depending on the size and thickness of the Pipe.

Check Our Steel Pipe Weight Chart In Mm, Kg, Pdf
Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) Outside Diameter (mm) Wall Thickness (mm) Weight (kg/m)
1/8 10.3 1.24 0.282
1/4 13.7 1.65 0.498
3/8 17.1 1.65 0.648
1/2 21.3 2.11 1.02
3/4 26.7 2.11 1.30
1 33.4 2.77 2.09
1 1/4 42.2 2.77 2.73
1 1/2 48.3 2.77 3.11
2 60.3 2.77 3.85
2 1/2 73.0 3.05 5.35
3 88.9 3.05 6.56
3 1/2 101.6 3.05 7.46
4 114.3 3.05 8.38
5 141.3 3.40 11.39
6 168.3 3.40 13.40
8 219.1 3.76 20.00
10 273.1 4.19 30.69
12 323.9 4.57 41.56
14 355.6 4.78 48.35
16 406.4 4.78 55.88
18 457.2 4.78 63.42
20 508.0 5.54 79.69
24 610.0 6.35 106.21

What are standard steel pipe sizes?

Except for specialist applications, commercially available pipe comes in standard sizes. Pipes in a variety of materials - including carbon steel, steel alloys, as well as some plastics - are manufactured in these standard sizes.

The pipe size is specified with two numbers: the nominal pipe diameter (or bore) and the pipe schedule. This then sets the outside pipe diameter, the wall thickness (and hence the internal diameter). A list of common standard pipe sizes are given below

How do you calculate the weight of a steel pipe?

Calculating the weight of a steel pipe is essential for various applications, including construction and industrial projects. The weight of a steel pipe depends on its dimensions, such as diameter and length, as well as the density of steel. The Steel Pipe Weight Calculator uses the below formula to find the weight of the pipe.

Wt/Ft = 10.69*(Outer diameter of the pipe - Wall Thickness)*Wall Thickness

Keep in mind that this is a basic calculation. For precise weight measurements, it's crucial to consider the pipe's wall thickness and other factors that may affect its weight.

Steel Pipe Weight and Dimension Chart, Weights are in Kgs per Meter

Weight & Dimension Chart of Steel Pipe
NPS Outside Diameter Wall Thickness Sched Weight Weight
in mm in mm Sched kg/Mtr Lb/ft
1/2″ 0.840 21 0.109 2.769 40  STD 1.268 0.851
      0.147 3.734 80  STD 1.621 1.088
3/4″ 1.050 27 0.113 2.870 40  STD 1.684 1.131
      0.154 3.912 80  STD 2.195 1.474
1″ 1.315 33 0.133 3.378 40  STD 2.501 1.679
      0.179 4.547 80  STD 3.325 2.172
1 1/4″ 1.660 42 0.140 3.556 40  STD 3.385 2.273
      0.191 4.851 80  STD 4.464 2.997
1 1/2″ 1.900 48 0.145 3.683 40  STD 4.048 2.718
      0.200 5.080 80  STD 5.409 3.361
2″ 2.375 60 0.154 3.912 40  STD 5.441 3.653
      0.218 5.537 80  STD 7.480 5.022
2 1/2″ 2.875 73 0.203 5.516 40  STD 8.629 5.793
      0.276 7.010 80  STD 11.411 7.661
3″ 3.500 89 0.216 5.486 40  STD 11.284 7.576
      0.300 7.620 80  STD 15.272 10.253
4″ 4.500 114 0.237 6.020   16.073 10.790
      0.337 8.560   22.318 14.983
6″ 6.625 168 0.188 4.775   19.252 12.924
      0.203 5.516   20.739 13.923
      0.219 5.563   22.318 14.983
      0.250 6.350   25.354 17.021
      0.280 7.112 40  STD 58.263 18.974
      0.312 7.925   31.334 21.036
      0.375 9.525   37.285 25.031
      0.432 10.973 80 XHY 42.561 28.573
      0.500 12.700   48.719 32.708
8″ 8.625 219 0.188 4.775   25.233 16.940
      0.203 5.156   27.198 18.259
      0.219 5.563   29.286 19.661
      0.250 6.350 20 33.308 22.361
      0.277 7.036 30 36.786 24.696
      0.322 8.179 40 42.352 28.554
      0.375 9.525   49.216 33.041
      0.406 10.312 60 53.085 35.638
      0.500 12.700 80 XHY 64.627 43.388
10″ 10.750 273 0.188 4.775   31.588 21.207
      0.219 5.563   36.689 24.631
      0.250 6.350 20 41.759 28.035
      0.307 7.798 30 51.002 34.240
      0.344 8.738   56.946 38.231
      0.365 9.271 40  STD 63.301 40.483
      0.438 11.125   71.852 48.238
      0.500 12.700 60 XHY 81.530 54.735
      0.594 15.088 80 95.969 64.429
12″ 12.750 324 0.188 4.775   37.570 25.222
      0.219 5.563   43.657 29.309
      0.250 6.350   49.713 33.375
      0.281 7.137   55.739 37.420
      0.312 7.925   61.735 41.445
      0.375 9.525   73.824 49.562
      0.406 10.312   79.727 53.525
      0.500 12.700   97.438 65.415
      0.562 14.275   108.966 73.154
14″ 14.000 356 0.188 4.775   41.308 27.732
      0.219 5.563   48.012 32.233
      0.250 6.350 20 54.685 36.713
      0.281 7.137   61.327 41.172
      0.312 7.925   67.939 45.611
      0.375 9.525 STD 81.281 54.568
      0.438 11.125 40 94.498 63.441
      0.500 12.700 XHY 107.381 72.090
      0.625 15.875   132.983 89.278
16” 16.000 406 0.188 4.775   47.290 21.748
      0.219 5.563   54.980 36.910
      0.250 6.350 10 62.639 42.053
      0.281 7.137   70.268 47.174
      0.312 7.925 20 77.866 52.275
      0.344 8.738   85.677 57.519
      0.375 9.525



93.213 62.578
      0.438 11.125   108.433 72.797
      0.500 12.700



123.289 82.770
18″ 18.000 457 0.219 5.563   61.948 41.588
      0.250 6.350   70.593 47.393
      0.281 7.137   79.208 53.176
      0.312 7.925 20 87.792 58.939
      0.375 9.525 STD 105.144 70.588
      0.438 11.125 30 122.369 82.152
      0.500 12.700 XHY 139.198 93.450
      0.562 14.275 40 155.904 104.666
      0.625 15.875   172.754 115.978
20″ 20.000 508 0.250 6.350   78.547 52.733
      0.282 7.163   88.458 59.386
      0.312 7.925   97.719 65.604
      0.375 9.525 20 STD 117.075 78.598
      0.438 11.125   136.305 91.508
      0.500 12.700 30 XHY 155.106 104.130
      0.594 15.088 40 183.378 123.110
      0.625 15.875   192.640 129.328
      0.688 17.475   211.368 141.901
24″ 24.000 610 0.250 6.350   94.456 63.413
      0.281 7.137   106.029 71.183
      0.312 7.925   117.573 18.932
      0.375 9.525 20 STD 140.938 64.618
      0.438 11.125   164.176 110.219
      0.500 12.700 XHY 186.923 125.490
      0.625 15.875   232.410 156.028
      0.688 17.475 40 255.148 171.293
      0.750 19.050   277.401 186.233
30″ 30.000 762 0.250 6.350   118.318 79.433
      0.281 7.137   132.851 89.189
      0.312 7.925 10 147.353 98.925
      0.375 9.525 STD 176.731 118.648
      0.438 11.125   205.983 138.286
      0.500 12.700 20 XHY 234.647 157.530
      0.625 15.875 30 292.066 196.078
      0.688 17.475   320.817 215.380
      0.750 19.050   348.988 234.293
36″ 36.000 914 0.250 6.350   142.180 95.453
      0.281 7.137   159.672 107.196
      0.312 7.925 10 177.133 118.918
      0.375 9.525 STD 215.525 142.678
      0.438 11.125   247.790 166.353
      0.500 12.700 20 XHY 282.372 198.570
      0.625 15.875   351.723 236.128


17.475   386.487 259.467


19.050   420.576 282.353
42″ 42.000 1067 0.312 7.925   206.914 138.911
      0.375 9.525 STD 248.319 166.708
      0.500 12.700 XHY 33.097 221.610
      0.750 19.050   492.163 330.413
48″ 48.000 1219 0.375 9.525 STD 284.112 190.738
      0.438 11.125   331.404 222.487
      0.500 12.700 XHY 377.822 253.650
      0.750 19.050   563.750 378.473
      0.875 22.225   655.969 440.383
Conversion Table
Inch = 2.54 centimeters Foot = 0.3048 meter Mile = 1.609 Kilometers Pound = 0.4535 kilogram
Centimeter = 0.3937 inch Meter = 3.28 feet Kilometer = 0.6275 mile Kilogram – 2.205 pounds
Inch = 25.4 millimeters Yard = 0.9144 meter Ounce = 28.35 grams Ton = 0.907 metric ton
Millimeter = 0.03937 inch Meter = 1.0936 yards Gram = 0.0353 ounce Metric Ton – 1.1025 tons


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